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On High Falls Flowage in Marinette County near Crivitz, Wisconsin

N10184 Parkway Rd.

Crivitz, WI 54114


contact @ pineacresresortinc.com

The Lands & Waters

The Lands and Waters around Pine Acres Resort are something really special. In addition to our own 40+ acres of mature pines and wildlife, we are located on the incredible High Falls Flowage surrounded by the Peshtigo River State Forest.

The High Falls Flowage is a beautiful undeveloped 1,700 acre lake formed by the very clean Peshtigo River. The roughly 20 mile corridor of wild shore land is home to many forms of wildlife. Sightings of eagles, deer and wading birds are common. The water has a tannin staining to it, and there are large granite outcroppings, big fish and incredible sunsets. It is like a taste of Canada, close to home.

The waters in this area offer many unique and diverse activities. We have whitewater rafting and kayaking on the upper stretch of the Peshtigo River, the best in the Midwest. There are also a record number of waterfalls in Marinette County, and many are easily accessible for viewing.

There are many acres of Marinette County Forest land open to the public as well as 22 County Parks. There are two county parks within a mile of the resort, both with beaches and other facilities on the flowage.

A few miles west of us in Oconto County is the Nicolet National Forest and the Tommy Thompson State Park is just up the road. These areas offer a variety of hiking, biking and cross country ski trails available for your use. Thousands of acres of public hunting grounds attract growing numbers of hunters each year.

We are located on Parkway Road, which winds its way through the Flowage area and is designated as Wisconsin rustic Road #32. In addition, there are many forest roads available to take you off the beaten track and back to nature. The scenery is quite spectacular during the fall colors as well.

With over 250 square miles of all season vacationland, the lands and waters surrounding Pine Acres Resort offer something special to those who visit this area. We invite you and your family to come and enjoy our extensive recreational facilities.

 N10184 Parkway Rd.

 Crivitz, WI 54114

715-757-3894 or 715-757-3359

E-Mail: contact @ pineacresresortinc.com