Welcome to

On High Falls Flowage in Marinette County near Crivitz, Wisconsin

N10184 Parkway Rd.

Crivitz, WI 54114


contact @ pineacresresortinc.com

Maps & Directions

Pine Acres Resort is located in northeastern Wisconsin in Marinette County. This area is often referred to as "The Near North" due to the short driving distance from almost anywhere in the region.

Here are some distances to Pine Acres Resort:

From Green Bay

65 miles

From Milwaukee

180 miles

From Rockford

250 miles

From Chicago

270 miles

From Minneapolis

310 miles

From Indianapolis

450 miles

We are just 17 miles northwest of Crivitz on Hwy 141 and 24 miles east of Lakewood on Hwy 32.

From Lakewood on Hwy 32, follow County F to County C and continue east to Parkway Rd. Turn right and head south about 8 miles to Pine Acres Resort on the left side of the road.

From Crivitz on Hwy 141, follow County A west and then north to County X. Turn left and continue west to Parkway Rd. Turn right and head north about 4 miles to Pine Acres Resort on the right side of the road.


For directions from your location, please visit google maps.

 If you have any questions or concerns on your directions,
please give us a call. We will be glad to help.

 N10184 Parkway Rd.

 Crivitz, WI 54114

715-757-3894 or 715-757-3359

E-Mail: contact @ pineacresresortinc.com